For Partners: How Booking Services Worked

Check Customer Inquiry

  1. Order:
    • Check your Dashboard > Orders or Dashboard > Request Quotes
    • In this part, you will see customer inquiry regarding your services together with booked date.
  2. For Direct Purchase:
    • As the order is confirmed by the system, you shall fulfilled the request as per described in your services description and must follow the date as per booked by customer.
    • If there is any issue or date replacement, kindly contact our customer support.
  3. Request Quote:
    • Through this feature, if you agreed to customer’s offered price, simply proceed to change it to order.
    • Otherwise, please return the quote ticket to customer and propose your price and work scope.

Conducting Service

  1. Safety & Regulation:
    • During conducting your service, please ensure that safety is being put on top to ensure any party safetly and health.
    • Partners also shall fulfilled all the rules and regulations at the work field that can be involved by any party.
  2. Insurance:
    • Customers’ property and belongings are protected by Insurance of Renocerous but are limited as per insurance’s policy and any claim by Customer or any party shall be Partner’s responsibility.
  3. Job Proof:
    • Site’s image for before, in progess and after of work need to be sent to admin of Renocerous as proof of work completion. This also can help your work being covered by our insurance policy.

Withdrawal Earnings

  1. Job Completion:
    • Job of completion images need to be sent to customers and Renocerous’ admin as proof of work completion.
    • We will contact customer for final checking. Customer will be given up to 7 days to do checking to mark the job as completed.
  2. Withdrawal:
    • Renocerous shall take 5% for job below MYR 10,000 as our platform fee and insurance coverage. Job above MYR 10,000 will have lesser fee and will be advised from time to time.
    • Partners also shall pay tax if obligated to do so depending on Malaysia’s Tax Scheme.
    • Renocerous shall do payment of your withdrawal in 7 business days after the job is mark complete by customers.
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